Tag Archives: fight

Shoe Fight!

When my daughters were in grade school we had an incident at the bus stop one morning.

It seemed that one of them took it upon themselves to wear her sister’s shoes and when her sister saw them on her feet, a knock- down drag-out fight ensued at the bus stop.

They were screaming and rolling around on the ground before the bus got there.

My wife had to pull them apart and settle them down but we still talk about this epic fight over shoes to this day.

Was this just a preliminary round as to what we had to look forward to in the coming years as they became teenagers with fights over clothing, shoes, etc.?!

Much to our surprise, we haven’t had any more violent outbreaks between the sisters over their wardrobes.

But the oldest typically will take and use many items from her sister and does not face the wrath from her sibling that was unleashed that infamous day at the bus stop.