Tag Archives: Voice mail

Can You Hear Me Now? No? Good!

A friend had posted that before cellphones were prevalent that he used to get a lot of telephone calls at home.

 Nowadays, he only receives text messages through his cellphone.

As kids, we didn’t call friends on the phone but instead called them out to their windows.

Nowadays, I only get telemarketers calling me at home, so they go right to voicemail.

If I hear a friend start to leave a voicemail, then I’ll pick up.

I have a friend who usually says, “Hey John, are you screening calls, it’s me…”

Lately, I’ve been getting calls for other people in my building.

I’ve lived here quite a while, but don’t feel right to act as a henchman for some collections agent.

I only turn my cellphone on for directions or to send or read text messages.

Sometimes, I’ll turn on the cell and read a message that was probably sent a day or two ago and respond with a quick, TY.

I guess that after being on call for work over the last several years has gotten me a bit unhinged so it’s finally nice to unplug.

I’m sure that we’ve all experienced calling someone to leave a brief voice mail only to have them respond and then it turns into an “uh moment.”

Yes, we had a message in our mind that we thought about leaving and instead we’re now talking in real time.

A fellow AMR contributor had the good sense to put the telephone listing under his dog’s name, so if people called for “Lorenzo Redbottom,” he knew that it was a telemarketer.

Before too long, Mr. Redbottom was also getting offers for credit cards and all-expense trips abroad.

I’ve heard that Mr. Redbottom had a pretty good credit score and that he purchased Snoopy’s doghouse.